Harry Turns Two


The weekend before Halloween we celebrated Harry’s second birthday. It’s hard to believe he’s already two! I just want him to stay this little forever. These moments with him will always be cherished. He’s at such a fun age and is literally and figuratively keeping Kiel and I on our toes.

The weather was absolutely perfect for Harry’s party.  It was peak foliage week in Rhode Island and the brilliant leaves made for a perfect party backdrop. We borrowed apple crates from a local apple orchard to use as tables and purchased hay bales for seats. Our KJP tartan blankets served as table cloths. Lanterns, globe lights, and balloons strung up in trees enhanced the scene. We hired a clown and baby farm animals to entertain the kids. Harry was unsurprisingly not a fan of the clown. I can’t say I blame him. Baby animals on the other hand tend to be a hit with people of all ages. They are impossible to resist! When the sun went down, our guests bundled up in flannels and chatted by the bonfire. It was a wonderful way to usher in two years of Harry!



Comments 7

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  1. Neeltje | Thoughts in Style on November 5, 2019 at 6:55 am

    Ah, this looks like such a fun birthday party! X

  2. Lindsey A on November 5, 2019 at 3:57 pm

    Birthday party perfection! Happy belated birthday to Harry. October is the best month for a birthday.

  3. susan veatch on November 5, 2019 at 10:30 pm

    Happy Birthday to your little boy, I hope he had an awesome time.

  4. Leigh on November 6, 2019 at 6:44 pm

    Such a beautiful boy. And such a lucky one to have you both as parents. Enjoy every minute as they pass so quickly. As a side note….clowns are just downright scary !!

  5. Libby on November 6, 2019 at 10:10 pm

    Harry is already 2?! OMG Happy belated Birthday, Harry!! Looks like you had a blast! Happy November!

    xx Libby

  6. Laura on November 11, 2019 at 11:49 am

    Wow! What an amazing Birthday for little Harry! He must have slept so good that night. I’m with Harry about the clown, however clowns don’t scare me. I just never seem to think they are very funny. I am always so focused on who the man is under the make-up! The baby farm animals were such a good idea. So cute! and that cake was amazing! Who decorated it? Happy Birthday Harry! You are so blessed to have such a colorful life!

  7. Laura on November 11, 2019 at 11:59 am

    Also, my son is turning 23 today! Time flies! I am so thankful for all the videos I took of him as he was growing up. I treasure them so much. I need to get those transferred onto DVDS!



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